Sugar, Sugar

Monday, November 07, 2005

Aspartame & Toxicity

5 Simple Steps For Helping Yourself and Others

Avoid Chronic Aspartame Poisoning

1. PROTECT YOURSELF Completely stop ingesting aspartame. Even a small amount is a slow poison. Check the labels carefully for the word "aspartame." Please be aware that aspartame can be hidden in gum, candy, over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, under "inactive ingredients", sugar-containing foods, soups, supplements, and many other items. So, please read the label.

2. POSITIVE STEPS Replace aspartame with healthier sweeteners. See the "Healthy Sweetener Resource List" on this web page for information on obtaining healthier sweeteners.
Please keep in mind that:
a) It is very helpful to shop at a natural food stores because usually healthier sweeteners are obtainable.
b) It is important to avoid the newer, potentially toxic artificial sweeteners (ie: acesulfame-k also known as Sunette/Sweet One/Sweet & Safe and sucralose also known as Splenda).
c) Stevia is a good low-calorie replacement for diabetics and the general population.

Some extracts are more suitable for cooking than other extracts. Check out the book about stevia by Linda Bonvie from Body Ecology Diet for more information.

Beyond this, please consider reading some articles about Food & Nutrition, Holistic Medicine, Natural Healing, etc. in the links section of this page that may provide additional health benefit and will provide unbiased information, instead of the corporate public relations nonscense pushed through organizations (e.g., ADA, IFIC, FDA) or the TV news.
By moving in this direction as well as by reading books on non-toxic substitute products in the home and office such as "Nontoxic, Natural & Earthwise" by Debra Lynn Dadd, you will become immune to PR campaigns and advertisements about the latest toxic product.

3. SHARE - Share the information you discover with family, friends, acquaintances and anyone you care about who may inadvertantly ingest aspartame. When you share the information, please ask them to pass it along.

If you see aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful), acesulfame-k (Sunette, Sweet One, Sweet & Safe), or sucralose (Splenda) sold in any health food stores, please firmly, but politely insist upon filing a complaint *directly* with the manager. These toxic and potentially toxic "sweeteners" have no place in a health food store any more than you would expect to see chewing tobacco or rat poison mixed with food at these stores. Several stores have already removed these toxic sweeteners after seeing *independent* information. If they have any questions or concerns, please feel free to refer them to Mark at the number at the bottom of this page.

Also, please feel free to translate these documents into other languages and distribute them.

4. LINK It is extremely helpful to put a link from a web page to the main "Aspartame Toxicity Information Center" web page:
Many people have included a link to this page. Even if your page is not health-related, it can be useful to include a link stating that "The Aspartame / Nutra-Sweet toxicity page provides very important data that can affect the health of your family and friends," or something to that effect. If the page is health- related, it is important to include a link because many people may be suffering and not be aware of chronic aspartame poisoning as a common cause or contribuatory factor for a number of ailments.

5. CONTACT Please refer any questions or requests for information from scientists, physicians, the media, or the general public to Mark. He will answer the requests as best he can and/or forward the requests on to the appropriate scientists or group. The email contact is: By voice, the number is: 603-225-2110.

A Special Note-- I greatly appreciate all help in warning people about the dangers of long-term, chronic aspartame poisoning. Many people who find out that they, their family, or their friends have been poisoned by aspartame are angry. When they find out that the manufacturer, the FDA, and many of the companies selling it know of the dangers, they become angrier still. Becoming angry because of this situation and expressing that anger in appropriate ways is a natural and healthy occurence for most people. Expressing the anger as opposed to hiding the feelings can be healing. However, I urge everyone to not hold on to the anger *indefinately* because of the ill health and turmoil that it can bring to your life. Cultivating forgiveness towards these people that have caused harm is, in the long run, the best way to go. (See short, somewhat esoteric, but useful) article at:
for some useful tools in this area).

On the other hand, the world food supply is being poisoned with aspartame. So, while it is helpful to eventually cultivate forgiveness, it is important to use the steps mentioned above to warn others about the dangers and to change regulations so poisons cannot regularly be approved.
(See: for advanced steps)

Best Wishes, - Mark